Sunday, July 3, 2011

Reminder: Invitation to join Jeyasithar R's network

Reminder Jeyasithar R sent you an invitation to join their professional network.

Toolbox for IT
Jeyasithar R
Member Since: 6/19/2011
Member Connections: 5
Posts: 0

Dear Colleague,

As a valued colleague and professional, I would like to invite you to join my network at Toolbox for IT. The Toolbox for IT Community includes more than 2.0 million professionals who connect, communicate, and share knowledge to do their jobs better.

Please accept my personal invitation here


What is Toolbox for IT?

Toolbox for IT is an active professional community enabling colleagues to leverage the collective knowledge of other experienced professionals. In addition to a professional network, the Toolbox for IT platform integrates collaboration and community publishing tools, including discussion groups, blogs, and a wiki.

Get Connected. Work Effectively. Join Now!


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